L’articolo di Rebecca Mais su «Oubliette Magazine», 29 luglio 2021.
Giulia Siena “Il Tiranno: Heinrich Mann osservatore del suo tempo” su «Chronica Libri», 26 gennaio 2018.
Ne hanno inoltre parlato Daniela Distefano su «Liberi di scrivere» e «Toscana Eventi & News».
Daniele Abbiati, “La recita a soggetto di Stefan Zweig”, «Il Giornale», 2 agosto 2019.
Leonardo Soldati, “Un dramma di Zweig al tramonto dell’impero”, «Avvenire», 24 maggio 2020.
Ne hanno inoltre parlato sui loro blog e profili: Sonia Argiolas «Mangialibri», Daniela Distefano «Liberi di scrivere», Rebecca Mais «Beckyculture.com», Gian Ruggero Manzoni, Mary Mazzocchi «Babele letteraria».
Laureata in lettere antiche, fondatrice e autrice del blog «Margini in/versi». Osanno il Kaddish di Allen Ginsberg. Cuore greco-berlinese, il vento mi convertì alla letteratura. I miei libri: https://margininversi.blogspot.com/p/i-miei-libri.html Vissi d'arte: https://margininversi.blogspot.com/p/vissi-darte.html I am indexed on “edcat,” the database of artist publications: https://edcat.net/person/claudia-ciardi/
----------A pocket literary biography---------- Claudia Ciardi was born in Pisa on 6 October 1981. Her education fluctuates and borders on ancient literature, German studies and the economics of cultural heritage. In life she is dedicated to editorial consultancy and is a photography assistant. The comparison between images and words, the exploration of contacts between verbal and figurative forms, up to self-taught painting have inspired several of her most recent collaborations. She mostly ignores Renaissance epilogues, remaining a Greek-Gothic. What Cristina Campo expressed, that translating is writing, is true in her. And writing is writing like “a rose is a rose is a rose”.
Laureata in lettere antiche, fondatrice e autrice del blog «Margini in/versi».
Osanno il Kaddish di Allen Ginsberg.
Cuore greco-berlinese, il vento mi convertì alla letteratura.
I miei libri:
Vissi d'arte:
I am indexed on “edcat,” the database of artist publications:
----------A pocket literary biography----------
Claudia Ciardi was born in Pisa on 6 October 1981. Her education fluctuates and borders on ancient literature, German studies and the economics of cultural heritage. In life she is dedicated to editorial consultancy and is a photography assistant. The comparison between images and words, the exploration of contacts between verbal and figurative forms, up to self-taught painting have inspired several of her most recent collaborations. She mostly ignores Renaissance epilogues, remaining a Greek-Gothic. What Cristina Campo expressed, that translating is writing, is true in her. And writing is writing like “a rose is a rose is a rose”.
Visualizza tutti gli articoli di Claudia Ciardi